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He starts with his first stage — the printing press and discusses how this technological invention spread the amount of information to people. He shows us how the number of schools grew from 34 to in the span of one hundred and eighty years. One thing that I wondered about after reading this chapter was I if Postman ever considered the possibility of his book being in electronic format especially when he was talking about the paper the book was printed on being made from pickled herring. I found this part to be funny since I was reading my chapter from a computer screen and not on paper. I believe a large problem with kids getting exposed to information at an early age is not the over abundance of information but is due to the laziness of parents and other adults in general. I have two daughters — a six year old and a two year old and I work my butt off to ensure I know what they are exposed to. The private sector has the option to refuse them admittance or has the ability to kick them out the school; these are things that the public education sectors lack. Postman discusses medical technologies; he technopoly pdf wikipedia again is technopoly pdf wikipedia to wage his war against technology by only showing his dark side views of it. Postman, starts as always with his history lesson of how technology is failing us. This time he starts with Benjamin Rush and points out some of his medical mistakes and kind of blames Rush for the aggressive way America tries to attack and prevent diseases. As Postman leads you through technopoly pdf wikipedia chapter he throws out some numbers and studies to try to prove his point that a lot of medical operations and procedures are uncalled for and even more dangerous to the patient. I agree with Postman, on technopoly pdf wikipedia because I saw this first hand when I was a teenager. Her main doctor had prescribed her to go through a series of tests to eliminate a couple of things. The medicine made her extremely sick and she caught some type of infection and went into a coma. To prevent her from dying from the gangrene they had to amputate both of legs from below the knees as well as amputate several of her fingers.

Technopoly - Wikipedia
Week 3 – Technopoly – Chapters 4 – 7 | joshsturgill
technopoly - Wiktionary